We will serve food in Khantoke style in the dinner area which will be divided into standard zone and VIP zone. Food quality and deliciousness will be guaranteed by PaTa obasan, who is one of 13 chefs from around the world who were invited to the World Gourmet Summit 2017 in Singapore, and a famous Thai chef teaching cooking in Japan.
晚宴将设为古兰纳王室用餐风格的Khantoke,分为普通区和 VIP 区。各道菜肴和饮品都将由塔阿姨精心烹制,为您提供星级美味, PaTa Obasan是受邀参加2017年新加坡世界美食峰会的全球13名厨师之一,也是一位曾在日本教授烹饪而闻名的泰国著名厨师。