Experience the way of life Of 6 Lanna native tribes

Yao is a tribe that has a long history. The Yao tribe has been recognized as a skilled tribe in arts and crafts. Men are highly skilled in making silverware while women have the craftsmanship of embroidery.

he Akha is a tribe with a beautiful and valuable cultural heritage. Both concrete and abstract in the form of many concepts and practices. And the traditions of the Akha tribe are closely related to nature and the environment.

The Lisaw have their own customs, traditions and pride in their culture. And was known as a fighter because they have a bold personality and love freedom. Men are responsible for hunting and farming, while women are responsible for taking care of the house. Including taking care of sewing clothes for family members.

Hmong is an ethnic group in the mountains of Southeast Asia that has a long history. They prefer to build a house on a high mountain or foothill plain. And the way of life of the Hmong is simple because they tend to be in contact with nature. 

Muser is a name that translates as ‘hunters’ as a group of people who are highly skilled in hunting. There is an old legend told to this day that National origin from parents which is a ghost or Nuecha created Nuecha or the blue spirit is the god of Muser. Who is the creator of the world earth, water, wind, fire, and plants and animals.

Dara-Ang is a tribe that settles on high mountains. They prefer to build houses with wooden poles, chopped bamboo siding, raised to a high platform and thatched roof. There is a livelihood by farming rice, corn and animal husbandry. And lead a relatively calm and simple life 🌽✨

ランナー 6 先住民族の生活様式を体験

ヤオ族は長い歴史を持つ部族です。 ヤオ族は芸術や工芸の分野で熟練した部族として知られています。 男性は銀製品を作るのに高度な技術を持ち、女性は刺繍の職人技を持っています。

アカ族は美しく貴重な文化遺産を持つ部族です。 多くの概念と実践の形における具体的および抽象的。 そして、アカ族の伝統は自然や環境と密接に関係しています。

リソーには独自の習慣、伝統、文化に対する誇りがあります。 そして、自由を愛する大胆な性格から格闘家として知られていました。 男性は狩猟と農耕を担当し、女性は家事を担当します。 家族の衣服の縫製の世話も含まれます。

モン族は東南アジアの山地に住む民族で、長い歴史があります。 彼らは高い山や麓の平地に家を建てることを好みます。 そしてモン族は自然と触れ合うことが多いため、生活様式はシンプルです。

ミューザーとは、狩猟に熟練した人々のグループとしての「ハンター」を意味する名前です。 幽霊またはヌエチャである両親からの国家の起源は、ヌエチャまたは青い精霊であり、世界の地、水、風、火、動植物の創造者であるミューザーの神であるという古い伝説が今日まで語られています。

ダラアンは高山に定住する部族です。 彼らは木の柱、割った竹のサイディング、高い台に上げられた茅葺き屋根の家を建てることを好みます。 米、トウモロコシ、畜産の農業で生計を立てており、比較的穏やかで質素な生活を送っています🌽✨

体验 6 个兰纳民族部落的传统生活方式




苗族是东南亚山区一个有着悠久历史的民族, 他们较喜欢在高山或山麓平原上建造房屋。 苗族人的生活方式很简单,因为他们倾向于原始的自然生活。

拉祜族名字的意思是“猎人”,指的是一群狩猎技艺精湛的人。 关于拉祜族人的起源至今仍流传着一个古老的传说,其先民的父母是鬼魂 Nuecha和蓝色神灵Muser,Muser神是土、水、风、火、植物和动物的创造者。

德昂族是一个定居在高山上的民族。 他们擅用木杆、短竹壁板、高高的平台和茅草屋顶建造房屋,以种植水稻、玉米和畜牧业为生, 并过着简单平静的生活。

Experience the way of life Of 6 Lanna native tribes

Yao is a tribe that has a long history. The Yao tribe has been recognized as a skilled tribe in arts and crafts. Men are highly skilled in making silverware while women have the craftsmanship of embroidery.

he Akha is a tribe with a beautiful and valuable cultural heritage. Both concrete and abstract in the form of many concepts and practices. And the traditions of the Akha tribe are closely related to nature and the environment.

The Lisaw have their own customs, traditions and pride in their culture. And was known as a fighter because they have a bold personality and love freedom. Men are responsible for hunting and farming, while women are responsible for taking care of the house. Including taking care of sewing clothes for family members.

Hmong is an ethnic group in the mountains of Southeast Asia that has a long history. They prefer to build a house on a high mountain or foothill plain. And the way of life of the Hmong is simple because they tend to be in contact with nature. 

Muser is a name that translates as ‘hunters’ as a group of people who are highly skilled in hunting. There is an old legend told to this day that National origin from parents which is a ghost or Nuecha created Nuecha or the blue spirit is the god of Muser. Who is the creator of the world earth, water, wind, fire, and plants and animals.

Dara-Ang is a tribe that settles on high mountains. They prefer to build houses with wooden poles, chopped bamboo siding, raised to a high platform and thatched roof. There is a livelihood by farming rice, corn and animal husbandry. And lead a relatively calm and simple life 🌽✨
