“sky lantern”the beliefs of northern thailand

Sky Lantern have been made for centuries and sky lantern is used in the Yi Peng festival which is held on a full moon of the 2nd month.

Lanna people use sky lantern to worship Phra Ket Kaew Chulamanee in heaven. 🙏🏻 And according to the belief of Lanna people, releasing sky lantern is equivalent to releasing bad luck and let go of the negative aspects of life.

So, if you love to join this special moment and get closer to Lanna tradition and culture. 

Please look forward to our “Heaven Lantern” Festival.



ランナーの人々はスカイ ランタンを使って天国のプラ ケット ケオ チュラマニーを礼拝します。 🙏🏻 そして、ランナーの人々の信念によれば、スカイランタンを解放することは、不運を解放し、人生の否定的な側面を手放すことと同じです。

この特別な瞬間に参加してランナーの伝統に近づきたい方は、ぜひ「ヘブン ランタン」フェスティバルを楽しみにしていてください。


兰纳天灯的制作已有几个世纪的历史,天灯用于兰纳古历二月满月日举行的“伊彭”节。兰纳人用天灯来祭拜天神Phra Ket Kaew Chulamanee,根据兰纳人的信仰,放天灯是为释放厄运、远离生活中不好的事,灯笼的光芒将照亮人们的生活,为生命带来繁荣和幸福。沉浸在兰纳无比美丽的传统文化之中,亲手点亮承载心愿的祈福天灯放飞于空中,与家人、爱人和朋友一起共度这个非凡特殊的美好时刻,共同见证数千只漫天闪耀天灯的奇观胜景,请期待我们的Heaven天灯节。

“sky lantern”the beliefs of northern thailand

sadasdsadSky Lantern have been made for centuries and sky lantern is used in the Yi Peng festival which is held on a full moon of the 2nd month.

Lanna people use sky lantern to worship Phra Ket Kaew Chulamanee in heaven. 🙏🏻 And according to the belief of Lanna people, releasing sky lantern is equivalent to releasing bad luck and let go of the negative aspects of life.

So, if you love to join this special moment and get closer to Lanna tradition and culture. 

Please look forward to our “Heaven Lantern” Festival.
