In Heaven Lntern 2023 festival, We’ll served special food for free all day long. In terms of food, the organizer has taken into account that all customers who attend the event must be satisfied in every aspect, including the atmosphere of the beautiful event. Correct according to Lanna tradition and culture. Truly both in terms of food quality by selecting famous people both domestically and internationally come prepare food to every customer is Aunt Ta – Chamnian Iamcharoen or known by the general public as “Oba-san”.
天燈祭り2023では、特別料理を終日無料でご提供いたします。 食事に関して、主催者は、ランナーの伝統と文化に則った美しいイベントの雰囲気を含め、イベントに参加するすべての顧客があらゆる面で満足しなければならないことを考慮しています。 国内外の有名人を厳選して料理の質の面でも真に優れており、チャムニアン・イアムチャロン、または一般の人々から「ターおばさん」として知られているおばさんがすべての顧客に料理を準備します。
在2023年Heaven天灯节期间,我们将全时间免费提供兰纳特色美食。 我们考虑所有参加活动的客人的口味,我们必须在各个方面都做到客人满意,最完美的呈现兰纳传统和文化的同时,我们也精心打造一个美丽畅心的活动氛围。 活动的餐饮由泰国国内外知名的明星主厨 Pata Obasan亲自准备,创意呈现兰纳传统美食,赏心悦目、味美可口的菜肴一定能让您大饱口福和眼福!
Special and Delicious Food for Free All Day Long
At “Heaven Lntern 2023” festival, we’ll serve special and delicious food for free all day long. In terms of food, the organizer has taken into account that all customers who attend the event must be satisfied with every aspect, including the atmosphere of the beautiful event. In correct accordance to Lanna tradition and culture. The food is truly of the highest quality, selected and prepared by domestically and internationally famous Aunt Ta – Chamnian Iamcharoen or known by the general public as “PaTa Obasan”.