“Yi Peng” Northern Thailand Loi Krathong Festival

“Yi Peng” is Northern Thailand (Lanna) Loi Krathong Festival. 

The word “Yi” means two and “Peng” is the northern language that means full which refers to the tradition of the second lunar month of the Lanna year. During the Yi Peng day, the place will be decorated with banana trees, Lanna lanterns (Khom Pad), Tung and Phang Prateep. And Yi Peng is a tradition that has been around from ancient times since the 13th-18th century.


「イーペン」はタイ北部(ランナー)のロイクラトン祭りです。「イー」という言葉は2を意味し、「ペン」は北部の言語でいっぱいを意味し、ランナー太陰暦の第2月の伝統を意味します。 イーペンの日には、この場所はバナナの木、ランナー ランタン (コム パッド)、トゥン プラティープ、パン プラティープで飾られます。 そしてイーペンは13世紀から18世紀まで古くから続く伝統です。

“伊彭” 泰北水灯节

泰北的水灯节当地人叫做“ยี่เป็ง / Yi Peng”(中文译为“伊彭”),为泰北兰纳方言,“Yi”一词的意思是“二”,“Peng”意思是“满”,“Yi Peng”即指在兰纳历法中的第2个月圆之日,亦是13~18世纪兰纳古国的传统节日,在 “伊彭” 节期间,以香蕉树、兰纳灯笼、兰纳幡旗和赤土烛灯为节日主要装饰。

“Yi Peng” Northern Thailand Loi Krathong Festival

“Yi Peng” is Northern Thailand (Lanna) Loi Krathong Festival. 

The word “Yi” means two and “Peng” is the northern language that means full which refers to the tradition of the second lunar month of the Lanna year. During the Yi Peng day, the place will be decorated with banana trees, Lanna lanterns (Khom Pad), Tung and Phang Prateep. And Yi Peng is a tradition that has been around from ancient times since the 13th-18th century.
